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Other News

Young Person returns to Meadows

Natasha, a young person that lived at Meadows Care from 2008 until she was 18 and left us in 2011 came to say hello and have lunch at Hollingworth Lake, near her old home. Natasha met w...read more
16th May 2019

Eid 2024 at Meadows

Lots of Eid celebrations have been happening in our homes this month. We’ve had Eid parties, decorations, homecooked food and even traditional sweet treats. O...read more

23rd April 2024

Thank-you NHS from Meadows Young People

Our young people have been keeping busy during lock down creating NHS wellness hampers to say thank you to front line staff. Each hamper has been filled with rainbows full of positiv...read more
29th April 2020