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Charity ‘Wear a Christmas Jumper’ Day!

On Thursday 8th December we supported the Save the Children ‘Wear a Christmas Jumper’ day. Lots of staff contributed to this day as you can see from the photos. Altogether we raised £116.57 for the charity too. Many thanks everyone.

Other News

Meadows Care is 20!

Meadows Care is 20!!!! From small beginning but big dreams, Meadows Care is now 20 years old. We celebrated on style with a surprise for Jane and Jonathan, mead...read more

15th May 2024

Eid 2024 at Meadows

Lots of Eid celebrations have been happening in our homes this month. We’ve had Eid parties, decorations, homecooked food and even traditional sweet treats. O...read more

23rd April 2024

VE Day Celebrations at Meadows

Our young people have been putting their time at home to good use and getting creative by making their own decorations ready to celebrate VE day this May 2020.     &...read more
7th May 2020