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Young Person – RM's Story

Since RM came to Meadows the team saw him go from strength to strength. During his two years with the team RM managed to balance a healthy social life, a part time job and college course in Art. Thanks to RM’s hard work he gained a place to study Art at the counties best design university. The team have been keeping in touch with him and it is clear he is excelling and achieving his goals in London, he has maintained his job at pizza hut where he transferred to in London, and has now been promoted to the management team! We could not be more proud

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Young Person – Natasha

Living at Meadows for me was just like being part of a family. Having a close team who took the time to know me helped me to feel like the house I lived in was my home. Without Meadows ...read more

Young Person – Chloe

How I wish I could go back to Meadows Care and do it all again. I have very fond memories of my 4 years spent at Meadows Care. I met many amazing people, lots I am still in contact with...read more

Michelle Griffiths

Payroll Officer (Head Office) - Joined Meadows Care December 2018 "I have only been working with Meadows Care for just over 2 months, yet already it feels like it’...read more